Welcome to AVETRA!AVETRA is Australasia’s only independent association for research in vocational education and training. We bring together research stakeholders and researchers from the TAFE, university, industry and government sectors. |
Who is AVETRA for?AVETRA membership is open to any individual who is engaged in, or has an interest in, VET research and its results. AVETRA members include:
| Why join?As an AVETRA member, you will be part of a professional-development network promoting high-quality VET research and vigorous debate of research issues that will keep you informed of the latest developments. As well as individual and Institutional membership, there are reduced rates available for student and concession card holders, retired, casual and NCVER staff. | VSA /AVETRA 'Research Insights' PartnershipLearn about the exciting research projects for Australian VET researchers being commissioned by the Victorian Skills Authority in partnership with AVETRA! |
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RESEARCH PUBLICATIONSAVETRA members enjoy access to the latest in vocational education and training research, with complimentary or discounted access to Research Today, The International Journal of Training and Research, AVETRA A-News and the AVETRA Conference Archives. Just another reason that you should join AVETRA today! Read more | VET RESEARCHER