An exciting new opportunity for strengthening VET researcher
In an era of substantial reform and transformation in the Australian VET system, it is critical to ensure there is a breadth and depth of research voices informing and shaping policy and practice. A thriving and critical research community is one that makes room for a range of ideas, and a breadth of existing and emerging modes and methods of inquiry. As Australia’s only independent VET research community AVETRA is committed to building the capability and networks of new, mid-career, practitioner and established researchers.
An exciting new opportunity has emerged for AVETRA members to contribute to the evidence-based policy making of the Victorian Skills Authority (VSA), an Administrative Office of the Department of Jobs, Skills, Industry and Regions. AVETRA has been engaged by the VSA for a two-year programme to commission Australian VET researchers to produce ‘Research Insights’. These Research Insights will translate findings and evidence from existing research into critical policy facing outputs. From September 2023, several Research Insights projects will be commissioned, exploring a range of VET topic areas aligned with the strategic objectives and priorities of the vocational education and training system in Victoria.
This exciting partnership between VSA and AVETRA aims to inform policy activity with relevant research evidence, build policy translation capability within the VET research community and build connections between VSA staff and VET researchers. This in turn aims to create expanded opportunities for applied VET researchers to engage directly with policy-makers and influence policy development.
There are currently 5 research projects being funded as part of this project. Project 1 (Student Voice) and Project 2 (Role of Industry) are completed (see reports below). Project 3 (Centres of Excellence) is now underway.
Calls for expressions of interest for the remaining projects will be announced through emails to AVETRA members. If you are interested in applying as part of this scheme, please make sure you are a member AVETRA and signed up for our newsletters and email alerts.
Researchers employed in vocational, tertiary and/or higher education institutions on research contracts, continuing research positions and/or fixed term teaching only, research only and/or teaching & research positions, and current student researchers undertaking research higher degree programs are all eligible to apply. Practitioner and early career researchers are strongly encouraged to apply. Named researchers on expressions of interest need to be current AVETRA members.
Researchers already awarded funding through this scheme are not eligible to be a named chief investigator on a second project within 12 months of completing the first project. Previous named chief investigators may be named as partner investigators on a subsequent application.
AVETRA has been engaged by the Victorian Skills Authority (VSA) for a two-year programme to engage Australian VET researchers to produce ‘Research Insights’. These Research Insights will translate findings and evidence from existing research into critical policy facing outputs. The Victorian Skills Authority (VSA) provides financial support to AVETRA under a grant agreement to support AVETRA members’ research activities. Although the VSA is providing financial support for this research, the research is not a statement of Victorian Government policy. The Victorian Government provides no endorsement of the research’s content, recommendations, or findings. By sharing the final research insight, VSA makes no representation about the Victorian Government’s intention to implement any recommendations or findings identified in the research.
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