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Closing Date EXTENDED !  8th July 2024

The Australian Vocational Education and Training Research Association (AVETRA) aims to promote quality VET research, build capacity to undertake VET research and evaluation, and provide opportunities to exchange information and ideas. VET research may be on a small or large scale, for policy development, to improve teaching and assessment practices or to discover which partnerships, programs and services best meet the needs of the individuals, communities, and enterprises. AVETRA members include TAFE and university-based researchers, training managers, industry-based trainers and managers, and VET decision makers. The annual conference aims to be informative, challenging, and practical and assist people to build networks.

The conference is calling for submissions to discuss this year’s theme:

Impetus and Impact: Research that Challenges and Shapes VET Policy and Practice

As we commemorate the 50th anniversary of the Kangan Report, our conference theme calls for a reflective and forward-looking dialogue on the role of vocational education and training (VET) in shaping our economic and social landscapes, especially in the context of a more integrated tertiary sector. This theme is a call to action for educators, policymakers, industry leaders, and researchers to share insights, challenges, and innovations. It celebrates research as a catalyst for significant educational and workforce development outcomes, offering a bridge from historical milestones to future aspirations. In celebrating the legacy of the Kangan Report, which championed rigorous research and academic distinction, we delve into the symbiotic relationship between empirical evidence and its practical implementation. This examination is particularly crucial to foster a more nuanced, evidence-driven understanding of vocational learning's potential to shape futures that acknowledges the unique characteristics and demands of VET.

Papers and Presentations

AVETRA accepts only research-based conference abstracts and papers. For this purpose, research is taken to mean any systematic investigation into a subject or topic with the aim of creating new knowledge or revising existing knowledge. Presentations of research must comply with AVETRA’s Code of Practice and where applicable must have been authorised by a recognised institution’s research ethics clearance procedure. This call for abstracts is for all potential presenters at the AVETRA conference for which there are several options.

1 – Abstract and Conference Presentation

If accepted, you will be expected to provide your presentation for inclusion on the AVETRA conference website.

Presentations can be either 15 minutes, or 30 minutes. This will allow for 30 and 45 minute sessions with at least 10 minutes for questions and discussion and 5 minutes changeover between papers or rooms.

2 – Abstract, Conference Presentation and Paper (refereed or non-refereed)

If accepted, you will be expected to provide your presentation and your final paper (of no more than 4,000 words) for inclusion on the AVETRA conference website.

Refereed papers will be sent for peer review prior to the conference and authors will be expected to make the appropriate changes as indicated by reviewers. Non-refereed papers do not undergo peer review. You will be expected to provide your presentation and final paper for inclusion on the AVETRA conference website.

Presentations can be either 15 minutes, or 30 minutes. This will allow for 30 and 45 minute sessions with at least 10 minutes for questions and discussion and 5 minutes changeover between papers or rooms.

If you’re unsure whether to submit a refereed or non-refereed paper, please contact

3 - Interactive Sessions

The conference aims to provide practical assistance to VET researchers and practitioners and to those new to VET research. Submissions for a 90 minute session which involves and challenges a small group of participants are requested. These may be workshops, symposia, roundtable, or panel discussions but the proposal must identify the target audience and expected outcomes of the session and clearly identify the agreement of all presenters. If accepted, you will be expected to provide any relevant presentations used in the session and a summary of the key discussion points for inclusion on the AVETRA conference website.

Abstract and submission dates

Abstracts are required for all forms of presentations papers and interactive sessions and must be lodged via the website.

All speakers must register as delegates for the conference and present in person. 

Last date for submissions of abstracts

Monday 8th July 2024

Notification of abstracts accepted

Friday 9 August 2024

Last date for submission of papers (for refereed papers only)

Friday 23 August 2024

Last date for submission of presentations and papers for web publication.

Monday 30 September 2024

AVETRA Conference 2024: Abstract Submission

Instructions for preparing your abstract for submission:

  • Abstracts must be typed in Australian English.
  • The abstract should consist of a concise, self-contained description that clearly summarises the work (400 words maximum).
  • Your abstract should indicate how your work is linked to or explores the conference theme.
  • Do not include tables or figures in your abstract submission.
  • If you wish to include in text citations within your abstract, please use the APA citation format.
  • Abstracts accepted for inclusion in the AVETRA 2024 conference program will be reproduced as submitted by the author with minimal editing.
  • Your abstracts should be thoroughly checked for correct spelling and grammar before finalising your submission.
  • Please ensure that you include all information requested in these abstract submission guidelines.
  • The conference organising committee reserves the right to decline unsuitable topics.

Abstract format for presentations and papers:

1. Title: maximum 20 words, including expanded acronyms.

2. Author/s: name, affiliation or identifier.

3. The body of your abstract should briefly address the following seven elements:

  • The objectives or purposes of the proposed paper/presentation/discussion.
  • Perspective(s) or theoretical framework releated to this area.
  • Methods, techniques, or modes of inquiry you used.
  • Data sources, evidence, objects, or materials collected.
  • The method of your analysis.
  • The findings from your study. and/or substantiated conclusions or warrants for arguments/point of view.
  • The significance or implications of the findings for VET research theory, policy, or practice, and how your work is linked to or explores the conference theme.

Abstract format for workshops, symposia, roundtable, or panel discussions:

1. Title: maximum 20 words, including expanded acronyms.

2. Author/Presenters: names, affiliations or identifiers.

3. The body of your abstract should briefly address the following six elements:

  • The objectives or purposes of the workshops, symposia, roundtable, or panel discussions
  • Define if this is this a workshop, symposia, roundtable, or panel discussion?
  • The structure of the session.
  • What theory, research techniques, findings, or data will be presented by whom to set the scene for discussion.
  • How you will engage the delegates.
  • How you will conclude and record the debate.

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